Why online coaching?

Often women come into our team having tried face to face personal training or still thinking in the back of their minds that it is the best option for them. It feels like the traditional option, the safe option.

But face to face training is problematic... You are bloody busy; busy focused on your career, busy raising a family, busy with a ton of responsibilities.

So now you have to try and find time slots with a personal trainer that work for you both, and well frankly if a personal trainer is worth working with they are not going to have a lot of availability, you need to be able to jump into free diary spaces. If you can find a PT with an open diary I would question why…

Moral of the story, it isn't sustainable.

Online coaching is geared up for exactly this scenario, we write you a training program to do either at home or the gym on your own terms, we show you have to eat quick, well balanced meals, we utilise WhatsApp for quick replies and speedy help. We are PT’s in your back pocket.

What makes my coaching different?

Honestly, it is because of the coaches you will work with. We offer an unrivalled level of support and accountability, we are with you every step of way showing you how to implement, how to move forwards and how to succeed. We help you to develop skillsets that last a lifetime.

If you just want an off the shelf workout and a meal plan then we aren't the right place for you, we want to get to know you on a personal level, understand your lifestyle so that we can write a program that is 100% right for you.

What’s included in the Amy Morris Coaching program?







Our approach to nutrition is tailored to your life. We work together to help you come up with a plan that is manageable, realistic and sustainable for YOU.

Whether it’s an initial meal plan, flexible food goals, or anything in between, it will all be based around foods that you love and already eat on a daily basis. You’re not “going on a diet”, you already HAVE a diet, we just need to make it work for you.

We want to show you how to juggle social events and normal day to day so that you can hit your goals and live the life you want to.


Setting goals is one thing. But it’s a whole different ball game when you find yourself in a place where you actually enjoy exercising.

For me, the perfect training programme is the right balance of things that you love, and things that you need. Whether it’s running, yoga or weightlifting, I’ll make sure that your workout schedule is tailor-made to suit your lifestyle - and will guarantee maximum results in the most enjoyable way possible.


I can’t emphasise enough what a powerful tool a mindset is, especially if you want to be successful in business.

Having said that, this isn’t just about thinking positively and visualising what you want to happen – although I will teach you how to do that.

This is more about becoming aware of how your own mind works so that you can get yourself in the right place at the right time when it counts. Our highly trained team will enable you to understand why some women are consistently building success after success, while others give up before they even start.


Support and open communication are integral parts of what we do. Any time you're ready for that difficult conversation, or need a nudge on progress, we are here for you.

Accountability is essential to this process and having someone who can point out the areas in your life that may need extra attention is crucial.

The weekly in-depth progress checks, access to your personal hypersupport chat and peer support group will ensure that you are supported throughout your journey.


Education, is something that we definitely take seriously. Anybody can follow an off the shelf plan for a few weeks. However, If you’re looking to make lasting change, you’re going to want to get some education, this gives you the power to manage your weight and health forever more

For me personally, education isn’t just about the “what”, but also the “why” and the “how”. We make sure to take the time with each and every one of our clients to teach you everything you need to continue to life a healthy and happy lifestyle even after we finish working together.

We deliver this in a number of ways; by explaining why we have set your training and nutrition as we have, by providing webinars for you to watch, podcasts for you to listen. There are constant development opportunities to not only get you to your goal but keep you there.

A life worth living...

Life is short we all know that, so let's live life to the absolute maximum. Lets live life in a way that makes us proud of the choices we've made, role model how we would like our children to live life.

Sometimes we get stuck, stuck in the same old habits that are not serving us.

We know that it's not always easy to change your habits. That's why we're here!

Our coaches will work with you one-on-one to create a plan that works for you and your lifestyle. We'll help you find what works best for your goals and current lifestyle and be there every step of the way.

Is this coaching for you?

Our coaching is for you

  • If you don’t wake up in the morning and feel full of energy

  • If you want to finally feel in shape without spending hours in the gym each week

  • If you have trouble sticking to a fitness plan

  • If you’re sick of ineffective cookie cutter programs

  • If you are willing to commit to a programme

  • If you want to achieve life-changing results

Our coaching isn’t for you

  • If you are after a quick fix

  • If you are not willing to commit

  • If you are happy to stay the same

  • If you are going to make excuses for yourself

  • Expect results to come from shakes or pills.

  • Not open to changing their training, nutrition, or lifestyle habits.

I want to start on my journey today!

Here’s how to get started

Step 1

Fill out our contact form. We will get back to you in 24 hours.

Step 2

Pick a date and time for a 30 minute consultation call where we will get to know each other better & discuss your current goals.

Step 3

We will discuss the steps you need to take in order to achieve the results you are wanting.

Step 4

Achieve life-changing results.

What our clients say

  • Natalie

    Amy is the biggest cheerleader, educator and task master all rolled into one and she makes me feel as though my goals are within my reach. Amy you’ve taught me so much and the biggest thing for me has been my mindset switch in realising that lifestyle changes should feel like a marathon and not a sprint. You have improved all areas of my life and we have only scratched the surface!

  • Tia

    Amy has been a great support to me helping me to regain my body after twins and a total hysterectomy. 3 weeks in and I am 5KG down. Being able to work this plan around my busy life as a working mum of 17month old twins and stay on track has been a huge benefit to me. Would highly recommend!!

  • Katie

    I would recommend Amy 100%, since the moment we spoke, I have felt so supported, so motivated and finally out of the rut I was so stuck in. She has bought my love of exercise and healthier eating back and I cannot wait to continue our journey together. I’m now 10KG’s down.

  • Fay

    I am over 2 stone down, I have gone from despising all exercise and being crazy unfit to loving my training sessions and easily running 10k. More importantly I have learnt so much about food and exercise. Amy’s support has been second to none and I've loved every second of working with her. The results are priceless, ive never felt more comfortable and confident in my body!

  • Lizzie

    Just do it! Amy has been amazing over the last 6 months and I have got my gym mojo back.


If you’re looking for jaw dropping results, then take a look at what some of our team have achieved this year.